Ken and Larry Jones Condry
Dallas: Taylor Publishing Co., 1989. 209pp. Numerous color photographs. Brown cloth. First edition. Fine in an equally nice dust jacket. The commemoratives covered in this book had to meet two criteria. First, they had to be produced between 1960 and 1973 and commemorate a person, place, company, organization or event. Second, those issues produced from 1974 to1986 had to commemorate something of significance, have their own special serial number range, and be available to the general public. Using these criteria, the authors examine over 95 Colt Commemoratives giving the type, caliber/calibers, barrel lengths, type of grips, finishes, barrel markings, number produced, serial numbers, cases, special features and year issued. There is also a full page color photograph of each commemorative on the opposing page. A superb copy of the authoritative work on the subject.